Andrea's Books

The Biblical Trustee FamilyGod's basic institution is the family, and the Biblical family lives and operates in terms of a calling greater than itself - the Kingdom of God. In an age when the family is disparaged, warred against, and treated as a mere convention, it becomes the duty of Christians to bring God's plan for the family to listening ears. That's what Andrea Schwartz has accomplished in this collection of essays on The Biblical Trustee Family.

Stemming from her long years in homeschooling. Andrea elevates the Kingdom mandate as the driving purpose behind God's creation of the family, and the family's central task: education. Her passion is to equip Christian families - especially homeschooling mothers - not only with the tools of learning, but the tools of dominion

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                    Lessons Learned                    

Don’t learn it all the hard way.
Discover the powerful principles for effective homeschooling from someone who knows.

After nearly a quarter century of homeschooling her children, Andrea Schwartz has experienced both the accomplishments and challenges that come with being a homeschooling mom. And, she’s passionate about helping you learn her most valuable lessons. Discover the potential rewards of making the world your classroom and God’s Word the foundation of everything you teach. Now you can benefit directly from Andrea’s years of experience and obtain helpful insights to make your homeschooling adventure God-honoring, effective, and fun. Here’s some of what you’ll learn:

The Privilege of Learning
Walking the Talk
Parent-Directed Education
Taking the Plunge
How to Arm Your Children
What to Do with Daughters
The Advantages of Homeschooling
Setting the Standard
And Much More!

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Homeschool LifeHomeschooling expert, Andrea Schwartz, (Lessons Learned from Years of Homeschooling), in this her second book opens the door to The Homeschool Life, allowing parents to see the glorious potential in this life-changing, God-honoring adventure. She offers sage advice concerning key aspects of homeschooling, while never losing her central focus of applying the Word of God to all areas of life and thought. She provides practical insights for parents as they seek to provide a Christian education for their children.

This volume focuses on help for parents who want to instill a thoroughly biblical approach to learning, teach sound biblical character as they cover all academic subjects, and learn how to choose curriculum that will equip them to raise a generation eager and ready to be ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

Andrea’s practical, clear approach to homeschooling comes from twenty- six years in the trenches where she has learned that homeschooling parents are doing some of the most important work there is to do in the Kingdom of God and need all the help and encouragement they can get.

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