About Andrea Schwartz

Andrea Schwartz has been active in Christian education for almost three decades, most importantlyAndrea by successfully home educating all three of her children through high school.  She has served in advisory roles to Christian day schools, and has taught in co-op settings and as a private tutor. She is a sought after speaker for home school support groups and is eager to make the case for Christian education whenever she is given the opportunity.


Her ongoing work with the Chalcedon Foundation has allowed her to become well-versed in the application of God’s law-word over every area of life and thought.  She maintains a regular homeschooling blog (www.StartYourHomeschool.com) and oversees the Chalcedon Teacher Training Institute (www.ctti.org) which mentors homeschooling mothers with the necessary tools to provide the best education possible for their children.


Andrea has written two books on homeschooling (Lesson learned from years of Homeschooling and The Homeschool Life) and her most recent one (The Biblical Trustee Family) deals with understanding God’s plan for the family. There is also a read-aloud children’s book that is in the works.


In addition to the Notable People podcast, she co-hosts two other podcasts, His Heartbeat for Women and Chalcedon’s Law and Liberty Podcast.


Andrea has been married to her husband Ford for almost 35 years and enjoys her newest role of grandmother.