Interview with Clayton Butler of Agape Missions International

Pure Religion:  Helping Widows and Orphans in their Distress

Clayton Butler serves as the USA Prevention Director with Agape Missions International. Agape’s stated mission is to prevent child sex trafficking and restore hope to its victims by providing holistic aftercare to rescued victims. equipping and mobilizing the church to take action, building community centers in sex traficking hot spots, and to see Christ through His church defeat the evil of child sex trafficking throughout the world.

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  1. Anna Smith says:

    Excellent interview! As a former Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) and then my husband I adopted the young man who we were an advocate to, I know first hand how horrible the Foster Care System is! Although as a CASA I often felt that Special should be replaced with “sandbag.” These children need so much more than love. They need shelter, food, clothes, help with homework, unconditional love, attorney’s, social workers, etc. who will do their jobs and if they don’t be held accountable. What is more the children are often punished for what the adults should have done.
    It’s sad, very sad.
    Thank you so much for doing this interview!

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