Brad Voeller is a co-founder of CollegePlus! and its parent company GL Resources. He trains young people around the world to use accelerated distance learning methods to become the next generation of global entrepreneurs and leaders in order to further the Kingdom of God. A writer, speaker, and educational consultant, he seeks to present the most helpful, up-to-date, and effective methods for accelerated distance learning.
Interview with Brad Voeller of College Plus!
December 23, 2010 By 4 Comments
Brad is definitely a notable person, that’s for sure. I had the pleasure of working with him awhile, and as a result I have a great respect for him. He also pioneered a notable educational paradigm shift with CollegePlus!. I was able to benefit from that and finished college at 18, graduating with honors, entirely debt free.
Thanks for your feedback.
This is a wonderful interview and excellent information. I recently saw a special on how student loan debt is bigger than credit card debt, it’s very scary. I believe this College Plus sounds like a great alternative. God bless.
The Scripture says that the borrower is a slave to the lender. With all the student loan debt that you reference, how are these graduates likely to vote when it comes to legislation that spends other people’s money to pay for entitlements!
College Plus! is a PLUS on so many different fronts.